Communion September 13th
Communion: Due to the virus crisis, we have not been able to celebrate communion together. We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper on Sunday September 13th during our 9:45 am worship service. If you choose to worship in person at the church, we have purchased prepackaged…
Welcome to our new renters: Eagle’s Nest Remote Learning & School Age Program All inspections (Building, Fire, & Sanitation) have passed and we will enter into a one-year lease with Aaron and Nicole Smith who are the current owners of Eagles Nest Childcare Center, in…
Director of Gospel Relief Missions to speak July 12th
John is the director of Gospel Relief Missions and has graciously agreed to come on July 12th and bring us the message during our morning service at 9:45 am. John lives locally with his wife Elizabeth and they have two grown sons. John is a…
Wishing everyone a blessed Independence Day weekend with your family. Stay safe – God bless America!
From Your Session
To Our Providence Church Family, As many of you know, this week our Governor issued a mandate that requires that: “People must wear face coverings when in public places, indoor or outdoor, where physical distancing of six feet is not possible.” After consideration, the Session concluded…
Worship Time
We have resumed in church worship and will begin worship at 9:45 am instead of our traditional 10:45 am. There is no Sunday School or Fellowship time for now.
Resuming Worship June 7, 2020
Greetings my dear friends, The Session met through video conferencing to determine when to resume in sanctuary worship, and how we will begin this process. We will resume in-person worship on June 7th at 9:45 AM for those who feel comfortable. We will practice “social…
Congratulations to LuAnn Davis on the arrival of her grand-daughter, Harper Lee. She joins big brother Hudson.
Easter Sunday Morning Order of Worship
PROVIDENCE CHURCH EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 12, 2020 Welcome Pastor: He is Risen! Congregation: He is Risen indeed!! (3x) Doxology: Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son and Holy…
Good Friday – day of prayer and fasting
Would you join us on Good Friday for a day of fasting and a season of prayer? Our church, community and country are in the throes of uncertainty and fear related to Covid-19 and as believers we are called to action in prayer. We are…